What was supposed to be a vacation…

So today I was supposed to leave for a much-needed vacation. The severe weather (which was actually SNOWMAGGDON 2010!) thwarted the plans…

So we will try again tomorrow…

In the meantime… people (who don’t live in NYC) ask me… what do they do with all the snow? How do they clear it?
Here is a visual representation of how its done…


No trash pick up … as all the garbage trucks now have plows and are now a gigantic (and possibly stinky) snow removal team!


And lots of salting and sanding…


During the storm… the quiet and eerie calm of a New York City street…

Snow covered street in Brooklyn Heights.

snowy bike lane.

Despite the snow and wind… I still went to work and so did this guy.. giving parking tickets to cars that were snowed in… JERK!!

Ticketing in snowstorm.

Wishing you all a happy snowy Friday… and myself… I hope to be snowboarding on the slopes in Vail, CO by Sunday!


Creative blogger…

My friend and fellow blogger Lindsey has nominated me for 2 awards. In blogland in order to accept the award you have to answer questions (or the like) about yourself… And since I didn’t do it last time Lindsey nominated me (although it was greatly appreciated) I will do it this time.

*I don’t exactly do all that much writing in my blog …. but Ill take the creative part… so heres the new award…

And I have to tell 6 lies and 1 truth about myself… and since Im hungry they are all about food…

1. Vanilla or Chocolate.. me I like vanilla

2. I’ve never eaten a candy apple

3. I once ate a $65 piece of sushi

4. I eat ice cream … all – the – time!

5. I have an unhealthy relationship with the amount of olives I consume

6. I worked at a See’s Candy store in high school

7. There is no food I won’t try once

and you’re supposed to nominate 7 people to pass this along too… Well at this point I’ve written more than my fairshare so I’ll save that for another day :)!

And now some outdoorphins…

Since today is overcast and kinda yucky (as it might be the rest of the week… boo)… Here’s some cloudscapes to distract from what it looks like outside….

Winter clouds in Jersey.

"Cotton Ball Clouds" in the New York City Sky - Summer 2009

California dreaming… (even though I hear its raining there too)…

Cloudscape from Berkeley, CA overlooking the San Francisco Bay.


No thank you!…

Over the past few days I had the chance to talk to people who had a confession to make … that they read my blog!

It made me pretty happy… because although I look at the number of views that my blog gets… it’s so nameless.

So whether I’m helping you get through your day at work with a little distraction, just giving you something nice to look at or inspiring you to get out and enjoy the environment around you (even if its cold outside). Thank you and enjoy… that is, afterall, the point of getting outdoorphins ;).

Ivy on fence in Tribeca.


Old snow…

It snowed over a week ago in New York City… I love when it snows in the city and hate when it sticks around too long.

The snow is covered in dog pee (and people pee… sometimes), trash (two types… trash that has not been picked up by the sanitation department and the trash that is just scattered about) and the black soot that gathers on the snow from pollution, dirt and salt.

Trash on snow in Brooklyn

I think some warm weather and a street cleaner would be nice right about now…


Street Scenes… NYC and PA

Strolling around in New York sometimes there are things that catch my eye…

Record Player in trash - 11th and 2nd

Discarded baby - 34th and Park

Over the weekend I went out to snowboard in Pennsylvania…. They got hammered with snow this past week… and this seemed a little out of place…

ShoppingCart _01

Shopping Cart _02



To steal a headline from one of the 24 hour news station…  SNOWMAGEDDON 2010!

Now I get it .. if this was say Phoenix and they got a snow storm… then… SNOWMAGEDDON!!! But this is New York City during February… its winter people!!

Ok now that I’ve vented… enjoy some photos… of the infamous… <insert ominous music here> SNOWMAGEDDON 2010!…

Calm before the storm - Downtown Brooklyn.

Morning of the storm - view from my bedroom window.

Corner of Hudson and Houston

Hudson Street Snow 1

Hudson Street Snow 2

Ice Fence.


Just a walk in the dog park…

The storm over the weekend… didn’t bring much snow to the city. But in Brooklyn we got a good dusting… enough for a trip to the dog park to play with the dogs in the snow! It was cold but the dogs didn’t seem to mind…

Ready , set...


Snow snout...

Stella - not looking so white in the snow.

Definitely will be back again… hopefully with a little more feeling in my fingers so that I can take a few more photos!


Settling in Brooklyn…

So I recently moved and am settling into my new home in Brooklyn…

I live on a main (and busy) street so I’m sure they’ll be plenty of photos from the area… but as a Welcome to Brooklyn…I thought I’d share a little graffiti near my new apartment…

Graffiti on wood paneling in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn.


Flooded and Frozen…

Over the weekend I went to a friend’s wedding in upstate New York…

It was a cold day (but being with my friends definitely warmed it up!) and it was shown by the the Mohawk River being frozen solid.

Flooded and Frozen Mohawk River in Scotia, New York.

Sunset over the flooded Mohawk River in Scotia New York.

How did it happen? Earlier in the week… it got really warm the snow melted and the river flooded. And then there was a cold snap and the river froze back up. Nature is an amazing thing!
