Celebrating… with fireworks

I am a self-described pyro. I love how fire looks and I get absorbed into the warmth of it all. Fireworks although beautiful always have scared me a bit. Especially when they are being lite off a nearby roof in Brooklyn, NY.

4th of July Fireworks - Brooklyn, NY

… still pretty though.

Hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July. So glad summer is here!


Shots from the River…

There are a few free things you can do in New York City… most of them aren’t that cool.

Taking the Ikea Shuttle for free though is definitely one of the more enjoyable NYC free options!…

Downtown Manhattan

Helicopter taking off into ominous cloud cover.

Statue of Liberty

Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO


One BEAUTIFULweekend…

This past weekend in New York City it felt like spring… the sun was shining, people were out and I was super motivated! My friend Stephanie was in town visiting and we took full advantage of the weather! Walking along the Brooklyn Promenade over the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan (picking up our friend Lindsey) and walking back to Brooklyn…. ALL with dog in tow!

Stephanie and Capone... taking a breather in DUMBO.

Brooklyn Bridge from DUMBO.

Brooklyn Bridge walkway.... CROWDED!

On the Brooklyn Bridge.


What was supposed to be a vacation…

So today I was supposed to leave for a much-needed vacation. The severe weather (which was actually SNOWMAGGDON 2010!) thwarted the plans…

So we will try again tomorrow…

In the meantime… people (who don’t live in NYC) ask me… what do they do with all the snow? How do they clear it?
Here is a visual representation of how its done…


No trash pick up … as all the garbage trucks now have plows and are now a gigantic (and possibly stinky) snow removal team!


And lots of salting and sanding…


During the storm… the quiet and eerie calm of a New York City street…

Snow covered street in Brooklyn Heights.

snowy bike lane.

Despite the snow and wind… I still went to work and so did this guy.. giving parking tickets to cars that were snowed in… JERK!!

Ticketing in snowstorm.

Wishing you all a happy snowy Friday… and myself… I hope to be snowboarding on the slopes in Vail, CO by Sunday!


Old snow…

It snowed over a week ago in New York City… I love when it snows in the city and hate when it sticks around too long.

The snow is covered in dog pee (and people pee… sometimes), trash (two types… trash that has not been picked up by the sanitation department and the trash that is just scattered about) and the black soot that gathers on the snow from pollution, dirt and salt.

Trash on snow in Brooklyn

I think some warm weather and a street cleaner would be nice right about now…
